Thank you for purchasing a Goldline Impact curling broom! Since the Impact Head features an all new design, we wanted to provide you with some instructions that will make using the new broom a little easier.

Changing the sleeve

The basic instructions are:

  • Press the two buttons to release the pad.
  • Remove the base plates from inside the pad.
  • Remove the foam.
  • Place the foam in the new sleeve.
  • Place the two base plates inside the foam.
  • Take care to ensure the tabs align properly and the base plates are sitting flat inside the foam.
  • Make sure the buttons on the head are fully released.
  • Click the head back into place.

Remember, a Rec Sleeve should be replaced, on average, once every 25 games. If you curl once per week, this would mean changing your sleeve once per season.

If you are using a Pro Sleeve, you will want to change the sleeve more frequently. Depending on your level of play, we’re seeing front end players replace their sleeve every 1-3 games. Skips may replace their sleeves less frequently, or use sleeves that were previously used by their front end.

Attaching Goldline Impact Head to Pad

If your Impact Head is not clicking onto the pad properly, there may be a simple solution! Make sure the buttons are fully released before attempting to attach the head to the pad.

Adjusting a Goldline Impact Head with Loose Pad

If the connection between your Impact Head and the pad has gotten loose, this video demonstrates to tighten it back up.