Goldline Voluntarily Withdraws Pursuer Foam, Calls for Unified Approach to Equipment Standards

Mississauga, February 28, 2025 – Goldline Curling is taking a leadership position in preserving fair play by voluntarily withdrawing the approval of our Pursuer foam, following further on-ice testing that demonstrated performance effects beyond the intended limits of sweeping equipment. While Pursuer foam met all published World Curling specifications and was originally approved for use [...]

Goldline Curling Leads Unified Call for Fair Play and Updated Equipment Standards

Mississauga, Jan. 13, 2025 – Goldline Curling, a long-standing advocate for fair play and integrity in curling, is proud to announce that its initiative to address recent sweeping technology controversies has garnered broad support from top players, teams, and even competing equipment manufacturers. Since the release of Goldline’s Pursuer foam, the company has consistently voiced [...]

Goldline Curling Launches New ‘Pursuer’ Foam Amid Industry Concerns

 Goldline Curling Launches New ‘Pursuer’ Foam Amid Industry Concerns Mississauga, Dec. 31, 2024 – Goldline Curling is announcing the release of the Pursuer foam, compatible with their Impact brooms, to ensure competitive equity in the evolving field of play. The technology behind the Pursuer foam is something Goldline has had in development [...]

Re: Updates to the Specification for Brushing Devices

Today, World Curling released Updates to the Specification for Brushing Devices. In this release they addressed fundamental problems with both the underlying specification, and with their certification process. PLEASE NOTE: with this recent update, you are not required to discard previously approved Goldline Impact foam. The Goldline product addressed in World Curling’s article remains approved [...]

By |2024-06-27T12:26:50-04:00June 26th, 2024|News and Announcements|0 Comments

Goldline Curling’s 2024-25 Catalogue

Goldline Curling's 2024-25 catalogue is now available. You can download your copy below, or request a physical copy by emailing Canadian English Français Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution USA English Low Resolution High Resolution International English Français Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution

Celebrating Tyler Powell: A Fran Todd All Heart Award Recipient 🏆

In the world of curling, where sportsmanship, respect, and inclusivity are highly prized virtues, one outstanding young athlete from our Goldline Curling Calgary team has shone bright as a beacon of these values. We are thrilled to announce that our very own Tyler Powell, hailing from Calgary's Acadia Recreation Complex, has been recognized as one [...]

Goldline Curling’s Unstoppable Rise: A Dominant Start to the 2023-24 Season

Precision and excellence are paramount virtues in the curling world, and our team, on and off the ice, strives to embody this spirit every day. As we move into the heart of the 2023-24 season, the resounding success of Goldline Curling and its partnered athletes resonates. The continuous pursuit of excellence exemplifies Goldline Curling's commitment [...]

Goldline Curling’s 2023-24 Catalogue

Goldline Curling's 2023-24 catalogue is now available. You can download your copy below, or request a physical copy by emailing Canadian English Français Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution USA English Low Resolution High Resolution International English Français Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution

Goldline Curling’s 2022-23 Catalogue

Goldline Curling's 2022-23 catalogue is now available. You can download your copy below, or request a physical copy by emailing Canadian English Française Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution   USA English Low Resolution High Resolution   International English Française Low Resolution High Resolution Low Resolution High Resolution

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