On June 18, 2020 Goldline Curling made a statement that we have not done enough. That statement was just a beginning for us, as we started down a path of learning and partnership.
We are announcing our #UnitedWeCurl initiative.

Greyden Yee Louison
My name is Greyden Yee Louison, I’m a Saskatchewan First Nation curler from a reservation called Kahkewistahaw First Nation #72 which is 10 minutes north of Broadview Saskatchewan, and is 2 hours east of Regina. I have been curling for 12 years and first started to curl at Broadview curling club in 2009 at the age of 8 years old.
Growing up on the reservation, there was not much offered for curling. The only time I would get to curl would be at league nights in Broadview. Around 2014, I wanted more opportunities in curling so I started a school curling team at the reservation and began to play in youth bonspiels, as well as joining a youth league in Regina with my school team. These efforts brought many wins and success for the youth school team and created a reputation that this First Nation team meant business when they got on the ice.
After I graduated, I moved to Regina for university to study Kinesiology, and played in a competitive league at the Caledonian curling club. In my time playing in the league, I met many individuals that loved to play the sport as well. I even had the chance to play against curling announcer and former professional curler, Joan McCusker.
Today, I continue to go to university online, because of COVID-19, and I work as well. I strive to continue my curling career in hopes that it brings a chance to play for the Regina university curling team. I’ve also partnered with UnitedWeCurl in hopes to encourage more BIPOC youth to get into the game of curling.
There are exciting projects already in the works, so please continue to watch for additional announcements over the coming months. In the meantime, we invite you to join us on this journey. It is only with the support of the broader curling community that we will be able to #ChangeTheFaceOfCurling.
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